Simulate cetacean responses to Navy sonar exposure, as in behavioural response studies (BRSs).

  biphasic = FALSE,
  n.species = 2,
  n.whales = 20,
  min.trials = 1,
  max.trials = 3,
  covariates = NULL,
  mu = NULL,
  phi = NULL,
  sigma = NULL,
  nu = NULL,
  tau = NULL,
  psi = 0.5,
  omega = 1,
  alpha = NULL,
  Npriors = c(0, 30),
  dose.range = c(60, 215),
  Lc = c(65, 75),
  Rc = c(190, 195), = 2.5,
  verbose = TRUE,
  seed = NULL



Logical. If TRUE, will simulate data from a biphasic dose-response functional form.


Number of species.


Number of individuals. Can be specified as a vector of length n.species, allowing for uneven samples sizes across species, or as an integer multiple of n.species for equal sample sizes across species.


Minimum number of exposures per individual. Each animal is exposed x times, with x taken as a random draw from a discrete Uniform distribution bounded by min.trials and max.trials.


Maximum number of exposures per individual.


Contextual covariates and their associated coefficients. Must be supplied as a named list, in which the baseline levels of factor covariates are given a coefficient of zero.


Mean response threshold(s) for each species.


Between-whale variance in response thresholds.


Within-whale between-exposure variance in response thresholds.


Mean response thresholds from the context-dependent and dose-dependent mixtures in a biphasic model. Must be a list of length n.species, where each element is a vector of length two.


Scale parameters associated with nu. Must be a vector of length two.


Probability of exhibiting a context-dependent response, expressed on a probit scale.


Variance in psi.


Upper bound on the context-dependent response threshold, which corresponds to the lower bound of the dose-dependent threshold. Must be a vector of length n.species.


Vector of length two, giving the mean and SD of the Normal priors placed on covariates.


Bounds for the dose-response function. Must be a vector of length 2. Defaults to: (1) a lower bound of 60 dB re 1μPa, taken as a conservative lower limit of detectability given hearing sensitivity and the lowest average sea noise conditions; and (2) an upper bound of 215 dB re 1μPa at/above which all animals are expected to respond. This upper bound is consistent with the maximum source levels employed in behavioural response studies (BRSs) to date.


Left-censoring interval. Values of the minimum realised dose for each exposure are generated as random draws from a Uniform distribution within the bounds defined by `Lc.


Right-censoring interval. Values of the maximum realised dose for each exposure are generated as random draws from a Uniform distribution within the bounds defined by `Rc.

Measurement uncertainty (expressed as a standard deviation in received levels), in dB re 1μPa.


Logical. Whether to print or suppress warning messages.


Random seed (for reproducible results).


A list object of class brsdata, with the following elements:

datOutput dataset, after processing.
speciesSpecies data, including species names, groups, sample sizes etc.
whalesIndividual data, including animal IDs.
trialsExposure data, including exposure IDs.
covariatesCovariate data, including dummy coding, sonar groupings, factor levels etc.
obsObservations, including left- and right-censoring cutoffs.
paramGeneral parameters.

See also


Phil J. Bouchet


if (FALSE) { library(espresso) # Simulate data for two species # (no censoring, monophasic functional form) mydat <- simulate_data(biphasic = FALSE, n.species = 2, n.whales = 16, max.trials = 3, covariates = list(exposed = c(0, 5), range = 0.5), mu = c(125, 142), phi = 20, sigma = 20, Lc = c(60, 65), Rc = c(214, 215), seed = 58697) # Simulate data for three species # (right- and left-censoring, biphasic functional form) mydat <- simulate_data(biphasic = TRUE, n.species = 3, n.whales = c(10, 5, 8), max.trials = 3, alpha = c(125, 140, 139), nu = list(c(98, 149), c(110, 165), c(105,152)), tau = c(20, 20), psi = 0.5, omega = 1, Lc = c(60, 70), Rc = c(165, 195), seed = 58697) }