Simulate cetacean responses to Navy sonar exposure, as in behavioural response studies (BRSs).
simulate_data( biphasic = FALSE, n.species = 2, n.whales = 20, min.trials = 1, max.trials = 3, covariates = NULL, mu = NULL, phi = NULL, sigma = NULL, nu = NULL, tau = NULL, psi = 0.5, omega = 1, alpha = NULL, Npriors = c(0, 30), dose.range = c(60, 215), Lc = c(65, 75), Rc = c(190, 195), = 2.5, verbose = TRUE, seed = NULL )
biphasic | Logical. If TRUE, will simulate data from a biphasic dose-response functional form. |
n.species | Number of species. |
n.whales | Number of individuals. Can be specified as a vector of length |
min.trials | Minimum number of exposures per individual. Each animal is exposed |
max.trials | Maximum number of exposures per individual. |
covariates | Contextual covariates and their associated coefficients. Must be supplied as a named list, in which the baseline levels of factor covariates are given a coefficient of zero. |
mu | Mean response threshold(s) for each species. |
phi | Between-whale variance in response thresholds. |
sigma | Within-whale between-exposure variance in response thresholds. |
nu | Mean response thresholds from the context-dependent and dose-dependent mixtures in a biphasic model. Must be a list of length |
tau | Scale parameters associated with |
psi | Probability of exhibiting a context-dependent response, expressed on a probit scale. |
omega | Variance in |
alpha | Upper bound on the context-dependent response threshold, which corresponds to the lower bound of the dose-dependent threshold. Must be a vector of length |
Npriors | Vector of length two, giving the mean and SD of the Normal priors placed on covariates. |
dose.range | Bounds for the dose-response function. Must be a vector of length 2. Defaults to: (1) a lower bound of 60 dB re 1μPa, taken as a conservative lower limit of detectability given hearing sensitivity and the lowest average sea noise conditions; and (2) an upper bound of 215 dB re 1μPa at/above which all animals are expected to respond. This upper bound is consistent with the maximum source levels employed in behavioural response studies (BRSs) to date. |
Lc | Left-censoring interval. Values of the minimum realised dose for each exposure are generated as random draws from a Uniform distribution within the bounds defined by ` |
Rc | Right-censoring interval. Values of the maximum realised dose for each exposure are generated as random draws from a Uniform distribution within the bounds defined by ` | | Measurement uncertainty (expressed as a standard deviation in received levels), in dB re 1μPa. |
verbose | Logical. Whether to print or suppress warning messages. |
seed | Random seed (for reproducible results). |
A list object of class brsdata
, with the following elements:
dat | Output dataset, after processing. |
species | Species data, including species names, groups, sample sizes etc. |
whales | Individual data, including animal IDs. |
trials | Exposure data, including exposure IDs. |
covariates | Covariate data, including dummy coding, sonar groupings, factor levels etc. |
obs | Observations, including left- and right-censoring cutoffs. |
param | General parameters. |
Phil J. Bouchet
if (FALSE) { library(espresso) # Simulate data for two species # (no censoring, monophasic functional form) mydat <- simulate_data(biphasic = FALSE, n.species = 2, n.whales = 16, max.trials = 3, covariates = list(exposed = c(0, 5), range = 0.5), mu = c(125, 142), phi = 20, sigma = 20, Lc = c(60, 65), Rc = c(214, 215), seed = 58697) # Simulate data for three species # (right- and left-censoring, biphasic functional form) mydat <- simulate_data(biphasic = TRUE, n.species = 3, n.whales = c(10, 5, 8), max.trials = 3, alpha = c(125, 140, 139), nu = list(c(98, 149), c(110, 165), c(105,152)), tau = c(20, 20), psi = 0.5, omega = 1, Lc = c(60, 70), Rc = c(165, 195), seed = 58697) }