Example dataset used to illustrate the format expected by espresso.



A tibble, with the following columns:

ProjectProject name or code
SpeciesSpecies code, as listed in species_brs
Tag_IDUnique tag identifier
Resp_timeTime at response
Resp_typeResponse type (avoidance, startle, respiration, foraging, locomotion, group, dive, orientation, resting, vocal, or any)
Resp_scoreSeverity of the response (on a point scale from 0 to 7), as scored by expert elicitation
Resp_SPLSound pressure level at time of response (in dB re 1μPa)
Resp_SELcumCumulative sound exposure level at time of response (in dB re 1μPa)
Max_SPLMaximum sound pressure level reached during the exposure
Max_SELcumMaximum sound exposure level reached during the exposure
CensoredInteger variable indicating whether an observation is left-censored (-1), right-censored (1) or not censored (0)
Exp_orderHistory of exposure (1 = 1st exposure, 2 = 2nd exposure, etc.)
Exp_durationDuration of the exposure
Exp_signalType of sonar signal (e.g., MFAS, REAL MFA, PRN, CAS)
Pre_feedingBehavioural mode (TRUE = feeding, FALSE = non-feeding)
Resp_rangeWhale-source range at the time of response
Min_rangeMinimum whale-source range during the exposure
Inferred Resp_rangeBest estimate of whale-source range at the time of response
Inferred Min_rangeBest estimate of minimum whale-source range during the exposure


Note: This is a completely manufactured dataset, which should not be used for inference. The ordering of columns does not matter.