Bouchet PJ, Miller DL, Roberts JJ, Mannocci L, Harris CM, Thomas, L. (2019). Practical tools for assessing extrapolation in models of cetacean abundance. Talk at the World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain.

Bouchet PJ (2019). Extrapolation in density surface models (DSMs). Talk at DenMod technical meeting, University of St Andrews, Scotland (UK).

Bouchet PJ (2019). Transferring models in ecology and conservation: What, why, how and ( where to now? Invited seminar at the Centre for Research into Ecological & Environmental Modelling, University of St Andrews, Scotland (UK).


Sequeira A, Bouchet PJ, Yates K, Caley J, Mengersen K (2018). Transferring biodiversity models for conservation: Opportunities and challenges. Talk at the British Ecological Society conference, Birmingham International Convention Centre, England (UK).

Bouchet PJ, Letessier T, Caley J, Nichol S, Hemmi J, Meeuwig J (2018). Spatial dimensions of pelagic diversity in a geodiverse offshore marine park. Talk at the International Statistical Ecology Conference (ISEC), University of St Andrews, Scotland (UK).

Przeslawski R, Picard K, Nichol S, Radford B, Bouchet PJ (2018). Applying geoscience to biodiversity monitoring: Case studies from an Australian marine park (PeerJ Preprints, 6: e26520v1).(Talk at the 4th World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Montreal, Canada.


Bouchet PJ, Thiele D, Waples K, Weisenberger F, Dambimangari Rangers, Uunguu Rangers, Balangarra Rangers, Raudino H (2017). Cross-cultural knowledge, citizen science and expert elicitation inform the predicted distribution of snubfin dolphins (O. heinsohni) in the Kimberley, Western Australia. Poster at the 22nd biennial conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy, Scotiabank Centre, Halifax NS (Canada).

Raudino T, Bouchet PJ, Thiele D, Miller DL, Brooks L, Waples K (2017). Going the distance and beyond when estimating the abundance of little known cetacean in a proposed marine protected area. Invited talk at the DenMod workshop of the 22nd biennial conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy, Scotiabank Centre, Halifax NS (Canada).

Bouchet PJ, Meeuwig JJ (2017). The Centre for Marine Futures: Strengths and vision. Invited talk at the annual FishBase Consortium meeting, Tervuren (Belgium).

Bouchet PJ (2017). BRUV research in Ascension waters. Public talk at the Saints Club, Ascension Island (UK Overseas Territory).


Bouchet PJ, Meeuwig J, Huang Z, Letessier T, Nichol S, Caley J, Watson R (2016). Continental-scale hotspots of pelagic fish abundance inferred from commercial catch records. Talk at the 4th International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC4), St John’s convention centre, St John’s NL (Canada).

Bouchet PJ, Sequeira A, Peterson E, Mengersen K, Caley J, Yates K (2016). Model transferability: Lessons learnt and ways forward. Talk at the 4th International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC4), St John’s convention centre, St John’s NL (Canada).

Letessier T, Mouillot D, Bouchet PJ, Meeuwig J. Human footprint, habitat refuges, and conservation priorities for open ocean vertebrates.(Talk at the 4th International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC4), St John’s convention centre, St John’s NL (Canada).


Bouchet PJ, Meeuwig JJ (2015). Visual monitoring of mobile and threatened pelagic species. Invited talk at the NESP Threatened and Migratory Species workshop, Canberra (Australia).


Friedlander A, Ballesteros K, Bouchet PJ (2014). National Geographic expedition to Rapa Iti. Public talk at the PEW Charitable Trust, Papeete Office, Tahiti (French Polynesia).

Bouchet PJ, Meeuwig J, Huang Z, Letessier T, Nichol S, Caley J, Watson R (2014). Finding big fish in a big pond: Continental-scale models of pelagic predator hotspots around Western Australia. Talk at the UWA School of Animal Biology seminar series, University of WA, Perth (Australia).


Bouchet PJ, Salgado-Kent C, Jenner C (2013). Assessing the effects of survey planning on abundance estimates of breeding stock ‘D’ humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) from North West Cape, Western Australia. Talk at the 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Society for Marine Mammalogy, University of Otago, Dunedin (New Zealand).

Bouchet PJ, Letessier T, Meeuwig J (2013). Peering into the deep blue: Development and application of a midwater video system to monitor pelagic wildlife. Talk at the Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST) seminar series, Curtin University of Technology, Perth (Australia).

Burton C, Salgado Kent C, Glencross R, Marley S, Recalde-Salas A, Attard C, Bouchet PJ, Moller L (2013). Southwest Whale Ecology Study (SouWEST): An integrated collaborative project using multiple platforms to investigate the ecology and behaviour of baleen whales in southwestern Australia. Talk at the Biennial Southwest Marine Conference, Dunsborough (Western Australia).

Letessier T, Bouchet PJ, Meeuwig J. Large marine reserves and pelagic species: The missing piece in open ocean management.(Talk at UWA Oceans Institute seminar series, University of Western Australia, Perth (Australia).

Letessier T, Bouchet PJ, Meeuwig J. Pelagic stereo-BRUVS - update on recent work.(Talk at the annual National Environmental Program (NERP) Marine Biodiversity Hub meeting, Perth (Australia).


Bouchet PJ, Meeuwig J (2012). Predictive models of mobile oceanic predator (MOP) hotspots in the Eastern Indian Ocean. Talk at the National Environmental Program (NERP) Marine Biodiversity Hub annual researchers meeting, Natural History Museum, Sydney (Australia).


Bouchet PJ, Salgado-Kent C, Meeuwig J (2011). Predictive models of mobile oceanic predator (MOP) hotspots in the Eastern Indian Ocean. Poster at the 2011 conference of the Australian National Network in Marine Science (ANNiMS), University of WA, Perth (Australia).

Salgado Kent C, Marley S, Bouchet PJ, Nagy J (2011). A theodolite tracking study of baleen whales in Geographe Bay, Western Australia. Talk at the 48th Annual Australian Marine Science Association (AMSA) Conference, Fremantle (Western Australia).

Bouchet PJ, Salgado-Kent C, Jenner C (2011). Breeding stock ‘D’ humpback whale population estimates from North West Cape, Western Australia. Talk at the workshop on ‘Sampling elusive wildlife species: Accounting for detection probability’, Murdoch University, Perth (Australia).


Bouchet PJ, Salgado-Kent C, Jenner C (2010). Visibility bias in aerial surveys of cetaceans: An application to breeding stock “D” humpback whales. Talk at the Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST) seminar series, Curtin University of Technology, Perth (Australia).

Bouchet PJ, Jenner C (2010). Modelling strategies for the study of blue whales in the Sub Tropical Convergence. Southern hemisphere blue whale workshop, University of Adelaide, Adelaide (Australia).