I strongly believe in transparent research that is accessible to all. My gold open access publications are indicated by the symbol. PDF copies of other articles can be downloaded using the links below.
Take a look at my Google scholar and ResearchGate profiles for impact statistics and citation metrics.
28 |
Marine Ecology Progress Series
27 |
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
26 |
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Shipping in the north-east Atlantic: Identifying spatial and temporal patterns of change
25 |
Frontiers in Marine Science
24 |
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Seascape ecology: Identifying research priorities for an emerging ocean sustainability science
23 |
True blue: Temporal and spatial stability of pelagic wildlife at a submarine canyon
22 |
Frontiers in Marine Science
21 |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution
20 |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution
dsmextra: Extrapolation assessment tools for density surface models
19 |
Frontiers in Marine Science
Submerged carbonate banks aggregate pelagic megafauna in offshore tropical Australia
18 |
Australian Mammalogy
17 |
A standard protocol for describing species distribution models
16 |
PLoS Biology
Remote reefs and seamounts are the last refuges for marine predators across the Indo-Pacific
15 |
Marine Environmental Research
14 |
Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Better Model Transfers Require Knowledge of Mechanisms
13 |
Frontiers in Marine Science
A Suite of Field Manuals for Marine Sampling to Monitor Australian Waters
12 |
Marine Biodiversity Records
First underwater sighting of Shepherd's beaked whale (Tasmacetus shepherdi)
11 |
Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Outstanding Challenges in the Transferability of Ecological Models
10 |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Transferring biodiversity models for conservation: Opportunities and challenges
09 |
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Continental-scale hotspots of pelagic fish abundance inferred from commercial catch records
08 |
Scientific Reports
07 |
Biological Reviews
Sampling mobile oceanic fishes and sharks: Implications for fisheries and conservation planning
06 |
05 |
Endangered Species Research
Key research questions of global importance for cetacean conservation
04 |
Biological Reviews
03 |
Marine Biodiversity
Baited videography reveals remote foraging and migration behaviour of sea turtles
02 |
Methods in Oceanography
Journal of Cetacean Research and Management